Saajan Chale Sasural's story revolves around Shyamsunder, played by Govinda, who accidentally finds himself married to two women, leading to a series of comic mishaps. With an iconic cast including comedy legends Kader Khan, Shakti Kapoor, Satish Kaushik, and more, the film delivers endless laughs and heartwarming moments. The foot-tapping music by Nadeem-Shravan adds to the charm, making this movie a Bollywood classic! 🎥 Movie: Saajan Chale Sasural (1996) 🎬 Director: David Dhawan (देविद धवन) 🎶 Music: Nadeem-Shravan (नदीम-श्रवन) ✨ Cast: Govinda (गुविंदा), Tabu (तबु), Karishma Kapoor, Kader Khan, Shakti Kapoor, Satish Kaushik, Satish Shah, Mukesh Rishi, Rakesh Bedi (राकेश बेदी), Anjana Mumtaz (अंजना मुमताज), Himani Shivpuri (हिमानी शिवपुरी), and many more! 🎭 Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama 🗣️ Language: Hindi #feelgoodmovies #kaderkhan #hindimovie #govinda