Fr. Konstantyn Najmowicz joined the FSSPX eleven years ago. What led him to this decision? How does he assess it today, with the benefit of hindsight? Interview by Fr. Szymon Bańka FSSPX Donate 1% of your tax! https://poland-a.prod.fsspx.org/pl/ne... Aquinas Schools: http://szkoly.akwinata.edu.pl/pl Chapels of the Society of St. Pius X in Poland: https://www.piusx.org.pl/kaplice We recommend the Te Deum publishing house: http://www.tedeum.pl/ and the FSSPX Poland channel: / @fsspxpolska Support the work of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X: https://www.piusx.org.pl/wsparcie-dar... I invite you to discuss in the comments section, but I reserve the right to remove offensive or uncivilized comments. I will also block users who attempt to use the comments section not for discussion but for persistent advertising of their sites, channels, etc.