Culinary this time we went to the Kunduran Blora area, we met a new food stall, even though it was located in a narrow alley, but don't be mistaken, the menu served is complete. Various Javanese and Indonesian dishes. For the taste, don't worry, it's guaranteed not to disappoint. Must be your culinary recommendation if you stop by this city @bulejowofamily Open every day from 04.00 - 15.00 WIB Price per portion starts at 5,000 Location W6XQ + FJR, Kunduran, Kec. Kunduran, Blora Regency, Central Java 58255 https://maps.app.goo.g... This culinary is recommended by @bulejowofamily Also watch other videos on the link below @bulejowofamily 💣 CUSTOMERS ARE WILLING TO QUEUE BEFORE THE STALL OPENS • CUSTOMERS ARE WILLING TO QUEUE BEFORE THE STALL B... 💣 AMAZING THAT YOU CAN GET PECEL FOR 2 THOUSAND. VEGETABLES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RICE FIELDS • AMAZING THAT YOU CAN GET PECELL FOR 2 THOUSAND. SAHUR IN... 💣 GUENDENG POLL!! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY 5 THOUSAND CAN EAT FULL!!?? • GUENDENG POLL!! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CITY 5 THOUSAND ... 💣 CRAZY! THE STALL HAS NOT OPENED YET AND THERE ARE ALREADY QUEUING • CRAZY! THE STALL IS NOT OPEN YET ALREADY ON AN... Thank you for those who always faithfully watch my videos. And for those who have just found this channel, I say welcome, don't forget to subscribe and press the bell button so you don't miss my latest videos. Because your subscription is my passion to help UMKM entrepreneurs to grow even more. And for those of you who have subscribed, I pray that your fortune will be smooth, given health, and success in this world and the hereafter. Aamiin #warung #food stall #bulejowofamily #culinary #culinaryrrembang #culinarycepu #culinaryblora #culinarybojonegoro #culinarylamongan #culinarygresik #culinaryidoarjo #culinarysurabaya #culinarysuroboyo #culinaryjawatimur #culinaryjombang #culinarykediri #culinarynganjuk #culinaryrmagetan #culinaryngawi #culinarymojokerto #culinarymala ng#culinaryblitar#culinaryjember#culinarymediun#culinaryrmadiun#culinaryrmadura#culinarybanyuwangi#culinaryrbali#culinaryponorogo#culinarybatu#culinaryseragen#culinarykaranganyar#culinarygemolong#culinaryrtulungagung#culinarypacitan#culinarykudus#culinaryjepara#culinarydemak#culinarysemarang#culinaryjateng#culinaryjawa middle#culinarysalatiga#culinaryboyolali#culinarysolo#culinaryklaten#culinaryjogja#culinarygunungkidul#culinaryrmagelang#culinarypurworejo#culinarykebumen#culinaryrcilacap#culinarypurwokerto#culinarytegal#culinarypemalang#culinarybrebes#culinarycirebon#culinaryjakarta#culinaryrbetawi#culinarybekasi#culinarysumatra#ku linerlampung #bandungculinary #westjavaculinary #garutculinary #spicyculinary #viralculinary #hitculinary #javaculinary #javaculinary #huntingculinary #hobbyeating #indonesiaculinary #indonesiaculinary #traditionalculinary #nusantaraculinary #padangculinary #rpariamanculinary #jambiculinary #medanculinary #rriauculinary #foodvlogger