Little secrets of the WATERCOLOR TECHNIQUE: techniques for working with a paint layer. Various techniques are demonstrated, with the help of which it is possible to more qualitatively, artistically depict various environments, atmospheric phenomena, flora and fauna, the texture of objects in still lifes, and so on. All these techniques are accessible for their simplicity, their methodology is easily absorbed in the course of practical training in watercolor painting. This video tutorial is for beginning professional artists, amateurs of watercolor practices, teachers, and a wide range of art lovers. This is a video tutorial for beginner professional artists, lovers of watercolor practices, teachers, a wide range of fine art lovers. #watercolor_painting_secrets #watercolor_secrets #watercolor_on_wet #watercolor_technique #classical_watercolor #landscape #watercolor_painting #landscape_sketch #watercolor_writing_technique #watercolor_technique_demonstration #watercolor #secrets_of_the_watercolor_technique #watercolor_secrets #painting_secrets #landscape_on_wet_paper #watercolor_technique #classical_watercolor #landscape #watercolor_painting #study_of_landscape #watercolor_painting_technique #demo_watercolor_technique