00:00 F Neptune - opening sentence 02:23 CRF Neptune 03:55 F Texas D (Daido) 06:16 CR Dragon Wing 2 (Sammy Industries) 08:18 CRF Ginga SP 11:42 CR Fever Sai 13:31 F Megapolis SP 15:35 F Arabian DX 17:42 CRF Queen JX 20:53 CR Turtle Dash RX (Sammy) 22:44 CRF Mega Queen GP 25:19 F Casino DX 27:52 CRF The King RX *The order of the machines is "early chronological order". *These are not games. They are all "real" machines that have been left alone and edited from recorded data. *Please excuse any complaints that "this machine is not included". "Buy the real machine yourself, get the equipment yourself, edit it yourself, and make a video yourself". This is a "summary video" that was not on this channel. I was trying to think of ways to differentiate myself from others, and I realized that I had a lot of recording data for "full rotation reach", so I quickly edited it and made it into a video. It also includes the unexpected "miss action". (There are also several unconfirmed or confirmed machines) This video includes the full rotation reach action of 13 machines owned by the firecrackers (including one machine in storage). It's a long video of over 30 minutes, but please enjoy it if you like (lol). Please note that the "back, forward, and two-step action" in full rotation has been omitted this time. Why did I omit it? ? I don't intend to end it with this summary video (lol) Please don't get your hopes up and wait for the sequel. *Deposited machine CR Turtle Dash RX →Machine owned by ing Tan P https://x.com/ing4510 #Retro Pachinko #Sankyo #Real Machine Video #Sammy #Daido