Come visit the Instagram page: https://instagram.com/akiem_e483?utm_... The Bologna-Rimini line always has some surprises in store in terms of freight and passenger traffic and this was the case between January and April 2023. During that period, this line saw many trains from all companies pass by. In this video you can see various transits at the Cesena and Faenza stations of passenger trains such as: ETR425, ETR521 S1 Trenord, Intercity Giorno with E414, E401 and HTR412 Blues. In terms of freight trains, there are: Oceanogate to Melzo Scalo, MEDWAY, GTS Rail, CFI, Mercitalia Rail to Bari Lamasinata, Giovinazzo and Captrain with a load of semi-trailers headed to Novara Boschetto. Enjoy! In order, all the trains you saw: )00:05 TC San Ferdinando-Bologna Int. E483.005 MDW )00:45 MRS Lecco Maggianico-Bari Lamasinata E652.138 MIR )01:25 MRS San Nicola Melfi-Turin ORB.FA E652.023 MIR )02:00 TCS Castelguelfo-Brindisi E191.022 SGR )02:45 TCS Verona Quadr. Europa-Bari Lamasinata E405.033 MIR )03:25 MRS Bologna Int.-Bari Lamasinata E652.132 MIR )03:55 TCS Padova Int.-Bari Lamasinata E483.059 GTS Rail )04:30 TCS Interporto d'Abruzzo-Novara Boschetto E483.013 CTI )05:10 MRS Terni-Cava Tigozzi E191.033 CFI )05:45 IC 608 Lecce-Bologna C.le E414.146 + E414.148 PAX-SU )06:50 IC 609 Bologna C.le-Lecce E414.129 + E414.153 PAX-SU )07:45 TCS Ravenna-Melzo Scalo E193.593 OCG )08:55 MRV Chiasso Smist.-San Nicola Melfi E652.081 MIR )09:40 IC 610 Lecce-Bologna C.le E414.132 + E414.115 PAX-SU )10:45 STM Padova Int.-Bari Lamasinata E652.047 MIR )11:20 LIS Alessandria-Rimini E464.160 + D245.2242 + E464.108 TI-REG )11:45 MRV Torino ORB.FA-Foggia E189.409 CFI )12:25 MRS Modane FX-Jesi Int. E652.133 MIR )12:50 IC 603 Bologna C.le-Lecce E414.130 + E414.102 PAX-SU )13:40 INV Nola Int.-Milan Certosa ETR425.032 TN )14:15 MRI Chiasso Smist.-Foggia E652.041 MIR )14:55 IC 603 Bologna C.le-Lecce E414.113 + E414.146 PAX-SU )15:40 INV Bologna SD-Rimini ETR521 S1.027 TN )16:05 IC 604 Pescara-Milan C.le E401.017 PAX-SU )16:55 LIS Turin SM. Nord-Ancona E464.221 TI-REG )17:15 INV Bologna SD-Cesena HTR412.013 TI-REG )17:45 INV Rimini-Bologna SD ETR521 S1.027 TN )18:10 INV Cesena-Bologna SD HTR412.013 TI-REG )18:50 IC 605 Milan C.le-Lecce E414.154 + E414.159 PAX-SU )19:45 INV Bologna SD-Rimini HTR412.012 TI-REG )20:15 MRS San Nicola Melfi-Turin ORB.FA E652.116 MIR )21:15 MRS Fossacesia/TS-Tarvisio Boscov. E189.400 CFI )21:50 MRV Tarvisio Boscov.-Fossacesia/TS E191.037 CFI )22:25 TEC Interporto d'Abruzzo-Tarvisio Boscov. E191.028 CFI )22:55 INV Bologna SD-Rimini HTR412.012 TI-REG