Falsos Lentos T5 Ep 19 - Many congratulations to Manuel who is officially a referee! Official website: https://bwin.pt/ Velha's reading group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Joe6vX9lwmY... Follow us on Social Media: Instagram / bwin_br Twitter / bwin_portugal Facebook / bwinpt Slow Fake Social Networks: Instagram / podcastfakeslentos TikTok / podcastfalsoslentos Youtube / @cortesfalsoslentos Subscribe to the Falsos Lentos Podcast: Apple Podcasts https://podcasts.apple.com/en/podcast... Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/79Ph5OK... Soundcloud / bwinportugal Diogo Batáguas / diogobataguas Carlos Coutinho Vilhena / ccvilhena Manuel Cardoso / manuelcardas Kilt Agency / kiltagency 00:00 - 2:52 - Intro 02:52 - 08:00 - Carlos skips the episode without warning 08:00 - 10:28 - Manuel Cardoso gropes his cousins 10:28 - 21:30 - Old man fails his driving test 21:30 - 31:56 - Excursion to Jerez de los Caballeros 31:56 - 34:10 - Sporting draws in Guimarães 34:10 - 39 :05 - Manuel Cardoso is a referee at zerozero 39:05 - 52:05 - Referee Pedro Henriques in Falsos Lentos 52:02 - 54:18 - Rip Fura Múltiplas 54:18 - 56:41 - New Rubric Falsentasy or Measure Plugs? 56:41 - 01:00:37 - Watch your language