Last year, Kozushima Island in Tokyo was in the midst of a yellowfin tuna fever. When I tried, the festival had already died down, and I was only able to catch one small fish. I had heard that yellowfin tuna fever is rare, so I thought that it would not happen this year, but it started a little later than last year due to the rising sea temperature, so I decided not to miss out this year and tried alone from April 6th to April 7th. To be honest, I was disappointed that I was unable to take advantage of this great opportunity. Don't make the same mistake as me, and when you try to catch yellowfin tuna, don't forget to use a casting shield leader... I was sharing the reef with people I had never met before on both days. I may have been rude, but I hope to continue to work with you in the future. ■Yellowfin tackle rod: Rock Blow 106HH Reel: 20 Saltiga 14000XH Line: Full Drag #6 + Power Hunter #15 10m + Pink Fluoro #30 approx. 1.5m Parts: Extra thick BB swivel #3 + Split ring Hyper Wire #10 Lure: EBIPOP140/STX-60 #5/0 etc. ■Blade tackle rod: SWAT932B-ML/MH Reel: 23 SALTIST TW 300XHL PE special main line: BroadPEx8 KIZUNA #2 Leader: Seaguar #8 2 Hiro jig: Tojiro 40g + STX-58 #4 + Masked Spin M