In an exclusive interview with Rádio Gaúcha, federal deputy Nikolas Ferreira (PL-MG) spoke about the viral video he posted on his social media talking about Pix. In the video, which has been viewed more than 290 million times, the deputy questions the measure announced and revoked by the federal government, announcing changes in the monitoring of Pix and other bank transactions. Luciano Potter, Kelly Matos and Paulo Germano discuss the main topics of the day. Interviews, analyses and debates on everything that is trending. Follow Timeline on Rádio Gaúcha from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 11 am, and on GZH's YouTube channel. Full coverage at: https://www.gauchazh.com.br Follow on Instagram: / gzhdigital WhatsApp Gaúcha: (51) 99699-5218 Technical Details: Operation: Eduardo Rocha Editing: Thaynan Schroeder Production: Yuri Falcão Supervision: Fernando Salvador and Rafael Manito Coordination: Larissa Guerra #gaúchaaovivo #riograndedosul #radiogaucha