Satoshi Haramura of Uojarashi Kobo and Susumu Yamada of GOOD BAIT jointly designed the new minnow RESPECT190F, and the team set off to the Jōmei Gunto Islands to test it out. Koji Tsuneoka of MC works, who knows the shore game of the Jōmei Gunto Islands inside and out, joined the test and was on the same reef as Yamada. After hitting yellowfin tuna and yellowtail amberjack one after another, an out-of-the-ordinary monster appeared at his feet. ⚫︎Tackle used by Yamada Rod: MC works' RB95XZ Trident Reel: SHIMANO Stella SW18000HG Line: SHIMANO Ocea 8 #8 Line system: YGK Scrum 16 #6 Leader: VARIVAS Ocean Record 150lb Swivel: FISHING FIGHTERS Iron Arm Swivel #1/0 Lure: GOOD BAIT RESPECT190F (prototype) Ring: MARIA Fighters Ring Oval #9 Hook: VANFOOK Takumi Premium CT-88 #3/0 ⚫︎Photo cooperation: Hinodemaru https://blog.goo.ne.jp/hinodemaru8126 MC works' https://www.mcworks.jp #fishing #lure #lurefishing #rockshore #shorecasting #shorejigging #yellowfin #amberjack #amberjack #fishjarashikobo #goodbait #mcworks #mcworks #respect #respect190f #respect #onnaisegunto #goodbait