Sushi is probably the dish most associated with Japan and is undoubtedly one of the traditional classics of the land of the rising sun. But how much effort goes into the dish and what drives a sushi master to present the dish to the customer with the utmost precision day after day? Special thanks to THE SAKAI Tokyo (restaurant in the video). ????THE SAKAI Tokyo https://www.the-sakai.tokyo/ Other recommended stores: ????THE SAKAI Aoyama https://www.sakai-aoyama.com/ ????THE SAKAI Frankfurt https://www.the-sakai.com/ ✘ My Japanese fashion brand: https://nippon.clothing/ (advertising) ✘ My live channel: / @mrnippongoeslive ✘ Podcast: @25gaijinpodcast ✘ Instagram: / misuta_nippon ✘ Community Discord: / discord