Far to the north in Greenland, twelve-year-old Lucy lives with her mother and father, who is best known as Father Christmas. Lucy is the first girl in Santa Claus' class at the International Christmas School. On the day the Christmas Machine is set to start producing Christmas presents, the magic crystal that powers the machine goes missing. Lucy's best friend, Oscar, is accused of stealing the crystal. Lucy's mother, Claudia, who has long been wary of the mischievous Oscar, tries to stop Lucy from ruining her future career by defending the seemingly guilty boy. But Lucy is determined to fight injustice and runs away with Oscar to prove his innocence by finding the real thief. They soon encounter the secret Brotherhood of Grey Brothers, who have vowed to destroy the crystal and end Christmas forever. Lucy realizes that there is much more at stake than she thought. Lucy and Oscar must fight the Brotherhood for the crystal, make a long journey into the dangerous Eternal Storm, save Christmas and the King of Winter. A journey full of adventures awaits them. A friend of twelve-year-old Lucia is accused of stealing the magic crystal. Christmas is under threat. But Santa's brave daughter does not believe the lies and tries her best to help the boy. Suddenly, other people's dark secrets are revealed to her, an unknown brotherhood threatens, her own mother does not believe, and in addition, the Eternal Storm brings danger. _____ Pet Movies (Family Movies) • TROLLS: The Great Escape /Trollie: the g... Watch FAMILY - TOP movies for the whole family • The Tale of Peter and Fevronia, 2017, cartoon... Movies for the whole family • Victoria (Victoria) comedy, sports, with... #filmonline #family