In practice, what do you do to help combat racial discrimination? The International Day Against Racial Discrimination was created by the UN - United Nations - in memory of an attack against the black population in Johannesburg, South Africa, which left 186 people injured and 69 dead. The massacre occurred on March 21, 1960, during a peaceful protest against the Pass Law, which required black people to carry a card that indicated where they were allowed to circulate. Why separate? Those who experience discrimination daily - firsthand - explain the impacts of this crime and also how they move forward and strengthen others who go through similar situations. When it comes to racism, do you fight it or do you take part? Participants: Maria Niedja, social worker, nursing technician and model; Thamiris de Souza, model; Portela Açúcar, singer; Márcia Short, singer; Veko Araújo, performer; João Paulo, model; Cássia Vale, actress, museologist and writer. More information: https://gauchazh.clicrbs.com.br/compo... https://revistaraca.com.br/homem-negr... http://atarde.uol.com.br/cultura/musi... https://www.google.com.br/amp/s/www.i... https://nacoesunidas.org/em-dia-inter... #CanalPreto #DiaInternacionalContraADiscriminaçãoRacial #Racismo