Learn more about mental health and pregnancy here https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/especia... Learn about and download our app here https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/app?utm... Did you know that you can access a teleconsultation from your home? https://www.clinicaalemana.cl/alemana... Macarena Silva, a psychologist at Clínica Alemana, speaks to us in this talk about the importance of a woman's emotional health during pregnancy and postpartum. Pregnancy is a change in the life cycle and there are great expectations. Learn some figures about mental health during this period and the different stages of pregnancy. The path of pregnancy and postpartum in a pandemic, changes that have been experienced recently. What is the gain in the pandemic? What factors increase the risk of depression during pregnancy and postpartum? Postpartum dysphoria and the difference with depression. Questions that can help us identify possible depression. Follow us on: Instagram: / clinicaalemanadesantiago Facebook: / clinicaalemanadesantiago Twitter: / clinicaalemana Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/8001v85... #ClínicaAlemana #Talk #Pregnancy #Postpartum