3 examples to differentiate what we can achieve with prompt engineering, vs. RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) vs. fine tuning of Artificial Intelligence models. Guest: Jose Luis Calvo, co-founder of Diverger AI (previously at Sngular, Mapfre, and Microsoft), brings us direct and to the point examples to understand the fundamentals of these 3 techniques (prompting, RAG, fine-tuning). In addition, he tells us the different levels of adoption of Artificial Intelligence that we can adopt. Form for more AI content: https://bit.ly/interes-ia ﹤????﹥ Links ├ ???? Subscribe: https://youtube.com/c/CodelyTV?sub_co... ├ ???? Courses: https://bit.ly/cursos-codely ├ ???? Related material: ├ • How to get the most out of Cha... └ https://diverger.ai └ ???? Social networks: ├ / codelytv ├ / joselcs ├ / javiercane ├ / codelytv └ / codelytv