🚨 NEW VIDEO 🚨 Topic: GENERAL NOTIONS OF VOLUNTARY JURISDICTION 📚⚖️ 👉🏼With the issuance of the Procedural, Civil and Commercial Code, the notary's field of action was expanded in matters of voluntary jurisdiction. Previously, matters such as the succession process, the identification of third parties and voluntary auctions were regulated. Subsequently, more cases were processed, resulting in the decongestion of the courts and speeding up the procedures for the benefit of those interested. 📖 So, WHAT IS VOLUNTARY JURISDICTION? In a simple way, it can be defined as a set of procedures or procedures in which there is no litigation and which resolves a specific matter, either before a Judge or a Notary. 👆🏼 In this video you will find an explanation on the topic 🤓💯 #AffanAcademy the best content always ⚖️📖🖥️🧠