Complete documentary, learn who Ellen White was, with pastors Arilton de Oliveira and Alberto Timm. IASD Patos Channel - Whatsapp https://bit.ly/iasdpatos IASD Patos Channel - Telegram https://t.me/iasdpatos Story of Ellen White. In this series you will follow the following themes: 1 The Millerite movement 2 Who was Ellen Gold White 3 The calling of Ellen G. Harmon 4 Ellen White, a woman ahead of her time 5 Promoter of inspired concepts 6 Ellen G. White - Woman 7 How to interpret Ellen White's books 8 Ellen White's writings and her role in the Adventist church 9 Elen White's house 10 Mini White Center __ Patos Adventist Church - PB Playlists HERE https://bit.ly/iasdplay Biblical Studies : https://maisrelevante.com.br Biblical Questions: https://concursobiblico.com.br