Jesus walked on water, could make the mute speak and rose again after his crucifixion. The better fantasy writers can't make it up. Yet many people all over the world believe in him. But did he really exist? Was he who we think he is? Did he have a sister? What do we know for sure about him? Prof. Dr. Hans Geybels is a theologian and historian. The ideal person to dig through the sources with us. Be sure to watch this video about whether Christianity is a mystery cult: • Did Christianity start as a sect? . More science? Check: Our website! ► http://www.universiteitvanvlaanderen.be Twitter ► / universiteitvl Facebook ► / universiteitvanvlaanderen Instagram ► / universiteitvl For non-commercial use, it is permitted to use fragments (provided that the context is preserved). If in doubt, email us at [email protected]