Chucky, or, Child's Play, is a film saga that contains a total of 7 released films, 1 REMAKE from 2019 and a future TV series... But what is the order to watch the Chucky films? Are Bride of Chucky and Son of Chucky also part of the official chronology? WHAT IS CHUCKY'S TIMELINE? Understand everything here at Projeto Corneta! ➡️ Download ICARUS ONLINE completely FREE: http://bit.ly/2OD0Zc3 ➡️ Let's play together? Just add me, my name is: Jucinsky ➡️ WHAT are you waiting for TO FOLLOW ME AND CHAT WITH ME? ● MY SOCIAL NETWORKS: ● Twitter: @matheusjucinsky ● Facebook page: /projetocorneta ● Instagram: @matheusjucinsky - ● MY GIRLFRIEND'S SOCIAL NETWORKS ● Instagram: @marquesdessa