Blue Sky Studios was the company responsible for creating the “Ice Age” franchise, which yielded 5 films produced by the studio and 1 produced by Disney in 2022: “Ice Age: The Adventures of Buck”. However, with 6 films released, is there any bad film? Has the animation “Ice Age” lost its quality over time? Today we are going to talk about the WORST AND BEST FILMS of the ICE AGE Saga! 00:00 - 01:27 // Worst and Best ICE AGE 01:28 - 06:20 // Ice Age (2002) 06:21 - 10:39 // Ice Age 2 (2005) 10:40 - 13:53 // Ice Age 3 (2009) 13:54 - 18:08 // Ice Age 4 (2012) 18:09 - 21:54 // Ice Age: The Big Bang (2016) 21:55 // Ice Age: Adventures of Buck (2022) ➡️ How about checking out the Projeto Corneta collection? https://www.lolja.com.br/creators/pro... - ➡️ Follow me on other social networks too: ● Instagram: / matheusjucinsky ➡️ Become a MEMBER of Projeto Corneta and be part of the Channel Club: / @projetocorneta #AEraDoGelo #ProjetoCorneta