Sony Pictures Animation is one of the biggest animation companies in the market, with some very GOOD films... However, like all companies in the industry, it also has some BAD films! The Big Bang Theory, The Wave, Hotel Transylvania and several other animations that highlighted this company are in the first part of the list here at Projeto Corneta... Let's talk about the WORST AND BEST FILMS FROM SONY PICTURES ANIMATION! #SonyPicturesAnimation #ProjetoCorneta 00:00 - 01:18 // Worst and Best SONY ANIMATION movies 01:19 - 05:09 // Wild Goose (2006) 05:10 - 07:59 // Surf's Up (2007) 08:00 - 11:05 // Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (2009) 11:06 - 13:55 // Wild Goose Part II (2009) 13:56 - 17:00 // Wild Goose Part III (2010) 17:01 - 20:15 // The Gifted Operation (2011) 20:16 - 22:55 // The Pirates (2012) 22:56 - 26:22 // Hotel Transylvania (2012) 26:23 - 29:41 // Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2 (2013) 29:42 - 32:20 // Hotel Transylvania 2 (2015) 32:21 // Angry Birds (2016) ➡️ How about checking out the Projeto Corneta collection? https://www.lolja.com.br/creators/pro... - ➡️ Follow me on the other social network too: ● Instagram: / matheusjucinsky ➡️ Become a MEMBER of Projeto Corneta and be part of the Channel Club: / @projetocorneta