In this video I will show you every detail of all my aquariums, and I also showed you how this new piece of furniture was made and its costs. In the video I mentioned some other videos, I will leave the links here to help. ???? 1- Collecting Guarus in the polluted canal: • I caught fish in the polluted canal! #fish... 2- Polluted canal water under the microscope: • Polluted canal water under the microscope ???? 3- Aquarium with anchor worms: • Treatment in my aquarium. 4- Root aquarium: • Tips and maintenance in the self-circulating aquarium... 5- Secrets of the ball aquarium: • Revealing the secrets of the ball aquarium. 6- Ecospheres of Neocaridinas: • Everything about my Neocaridina breeding... Don't forget to subscribe to the channel. ???? #aquarium #tips #interesting #biology #fauna #flora #marineaquarium #plantedaquarium #nanoreef #nano #aquascape #aquarium