CUTE AND EASY - CARROT CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE - MIXED CAKE - Pai's Recipes Ingredients; Carrot Cake 1 and 1/2 cup of carrots 1 and 1/2 cup of wheat flour 1/2 cup of oil 1/2 cup of milk 2 eggs 1 cup of sugar 1 level tablespoon of baking powder Chocolate 1/2 cup of milk 1/2 cup of oil 1 cup full of wheat flour 2 eggs 2 tablespoons of 50% chocolate 1/2 cup of sugar 1 level tablespoon of baking powder Topping 1 box of milk condensed 200ml of milk 3 tablespoons of 50% chocolate 1 tablespoon of butter Become a member of the channel and earn BENEFITS =D / @receitasdepai Channel Members: Paulo Bastos Zulmira Isabel Gomes Dos Santos Ambrosio Glauber Alves Pereira Rosimeri Meritizon Marta Tavares marcelo gomes gomes Michel Muniz Comes with his Father Angela Feil Paulo Rabelo Maurenir Sanches Gonçalves Marilda Mari Sydia Borges Simone Cordeiro Vilmar Paulo Tom Lourençon Lukas Sampaio Miguel Ferber Sandra Cesario Wesley Pivotto Gift of Sugar Jeniffer Fernandes Ramon Regazi Regiane Souza Helen - Always by your side Lucyene Ganz Make and Sell: Brownies with Pai's Recipes: https://go.hotmart.com/M51502669I Contact for partnerships: [email protected] #BoloMesclado BoloDeCenoura