FIVE, to get straight to the point, in this podcast we are going to talk about one of the most relevant topics of recent times… If I could sum it all up in a single sentence, I would say that we are going to talk about purpose and how to create your best life! I know that this is a short sentence, to try to represent a chat that has a lot of content! So, to give you some spoilers here, know that I am going to cover the 3 fundamental elements for you to be able to find your purpose. I will explain: 1. What is not a life purpose; 2. How you can find your life purpose; 3. The 3 factors that you need to have within your purpose, to be able to find it. You won't miss it, right? So watch episode #194 of Sai da Média, the most listened to productivity podcast in Brazil: “How to find your true purpose and create the best version of your life”. Oh, and I'll say one more thing, FIVE... I'm going to "break the internet", as they say, by vehemently disagreeing with a very famous phrase about purpose and work... So, if you want to delve deeper into this subject and dive into your inner self, to live better from today on, just play the video... → No Comando: The Revolution - Activate your maximum potential in the 6 essential areas of your life: https://geronimotheml.site/ncr-perp-1... → Be part of the No Comando Community to overcome procrastination in up to 60 days: https://geronimotheml.site/cnc-perp-1... → For more free content about productivity and personal development, subscribe here on the channel and follow me on Instagram: /geronimotheml → Follow Paty on Instagram if you want to discover the secrets of a live event that generates high transformation and conversion in sales: /patyaraujo.oficial #SaiDaMédia #VidaNoComando #GeronimoTheml