Two million, five hundred and seventy-two thousand, five hundred and thirty-nine. That's the number of views on the most-watched video on my YouTube channel right now. And it talks about something that negatively affects many people's lives: laziness. Maybe you're one of them, so you should know that the video was recorded 6 years ago. Since then, I've trained thousands of new people, studied dozens and dozens of books and articles, and earned a postgraduate degree in neuroscience and human behavior... In other words, I now know a lot of new things on this subject to help you overcome laziness in an even simpler way and with less effort. And I'll tell you right away that laziness is not a personality trait, it's a habit, and that's why it can be changed, with science, with practice, and with serious coaching. And of course, with the tips and strategies that I have set aside for you in episode #190 of Sai da Média, the most listened to productivity podcast in Brazil: “7 techniques to help you overcome LAZINESS (updated)”. I not only updated all the content of the most watched video on the channel, but I also added another new technique and a bonus technique! So if you have a goal in life that you haven’t managed to achieve yet, watch it, because overcoming laziness is the first step to achieving it. Just play the video now... → Be part of the No Comando Community to overcome procrastination in up to 60 days: https://geronimotheml.site/cnc-perp-p... → For more free content on productivity and personal development, subscribe to the channel here and follow me on Instagram: /geronimotheml → Follow Paty on Instagram if you want to discover the secrets of a live event that generates high transformation and conversion in sales: /patyaraujo.oficial #SaiDaMédia #VidaNoComando #GeronimoTheml