Chronic venous disease occurs when the veins in the legs do not allow blood to return to the heart. The arteries carry blood from the heart and the veins carry it to this organ. If there is a problem with the valves of the veins, blood flows in both directions, not just towards the heart. When this system does not work properly, alterations occur in the valves and venous return is not carried out correctly. Therefore, part of the returned blood will fall to the lower section, producing a dilation in the superficial veins due to hyperpressure, which is what we commonly know as varicose veins. The factors for this condition are: family history, especially maternal history, female sex and the relationship with the levels of the progesterone hormone it generates, age, if they are people over 60 years old, as well as overweight and obesity. Chronic venous insufficiency can also be caused by prolonged standing, more than 5 hours of the work day standing or sitting, a previous deep vein thrombosis, which is the presence of a blood clot in a deep vein, usually in the calf or middle part of the leg, having had one or more than two children, the use of tight abdominal belts or girdles and lack of exercise. Specialists point out that there are several studies carried out to support the diagnosis of chronic venous insufficiency, but the first step is the clinical evaluation by the specialist, since they are the ones who can recognize and palpate the venous pathways in search of reflux. The treatment of chronic venous disease may include measures to improve blood flow in the veins of the legs, such as sclerotherapy, which consists of injecting a solution directly into the vein, medications and surgery. Follow us on: / canaloncetv / canaloncetv / canaloncetv https://canalonce.mx/