Complete rear section. Step by step completion. In this video we demonstrate the completion of the rear section. how to change a rear clip or complete rear section of a car. We demonstrate how the job is finished until it is like new. We invite you to watch the first two videos. 1. First part of the rear section change • Complete rear section. Step replacement... 2. 2. Second part of the rear section change • Two cars can be joined in the middle.... 3. Third part of the rear section change • Complete rear section. Completion... #StraighteningAndPainting #ChassisStraightening #ArtedeDonJulio #Rearclip This work will be completed in a period of two weeks where the first video will record the beginning of the composition of the complete rear section until we match the car. The second video will be squaring, welding and painting the car. Visit Super Chalan @enderezadoypintura - - All the tools and products we use in the workshop - - - https://www.amazon.com/shop/artededon... Friends, here I leave you the pages of the community where we put all the photos / artededonjulio Canales Garage JMA Repairs / @garagejma @garagejma AR Masters Detailers Augusto Fabian / supermejoramigo @augustofabian Miguel Buj ChapaPintura / @miguelbujchapapintura @miguelbujchapapintura THE VIRTUAL WORKSHOP / @eltallervirtual20 @ELTALLERVIRTUAL20 Instagram / artededonjulio Facebook / artededonjulio Tik Tok / artededonjulio Pinterest - / artededonjulio Twitter - @artededonjulio Mail - [email protected] SONG Arte de Don Julio ARTIST Ronald R - Super Chalan ALBUM Single Hit Created for Arte de Don Julio *Disclaimer We, Arte de Don Julio, are not responsible for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. The information given in this video does not guarantee the desired outcome. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of the tools, equipment, or the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Arte de Don Julio. AMAZON ASSOCIATES DISCLOSURE Arte de don Julio is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees for advertising and linking to Amazon.com