In this video, Master Engineer Felipe Lima goes into the field to show what a refrigeration system consisting of a chiller, fan coil, cooling tower, Chilled Water Pump (BAG) and Condensed Water Pump (BAC) - Chilled Water Plant (CAG) - looks like. This refrigeration system is of the indirect expansion type, that is, it uses chilled water obtained through liquid cooling units - chillers. And the cooling of the units is done through the Fan Coil units (Fan and Coil). And to move all these liquids, there are pumps. Chilled Water Pumps are the BAGs, and Condensed Water Pumps are the BACs. The chiller is indicated to cool the air, products and equipment, assisting in air conditioning and controlling the temperature. Chiller works by cooling water, which circulates through a network of evaporators. The Fan Coil is the equipment indicated for air conditioning large environments or open spaces, where conventional air conditioners cannot provide the necessary cooling, as the power of these devices does not meet the needs. The Chilled Water Plant is a set of equipment used in large places that require a complex cooling system and need temperature control. The main elements of a chilled water plant are the Chiller and the Chilled Water Pumps (BAG). I hope you enjoyed it. Good building maintenance to all. Big hug. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Course: Building Maintenance Management: https://go.hotmart.com/X69270215D Course: Practical Janitorial and Building Maintenance: https://go.hotmart.com/M69078422E Building Maintenance Magazine: http://manutencaopredial.rds.land/ins... Contact email: [email protected] LinkedIn: / felipelima-manutencaopredial Instagram: / revistamanutencaopredial Building Maintenance Portal: www.manutencaopredial.net.br