The South American country maintained its place in the global index and is crowned the first country in Latin America in terms of competitiveness, in results that were achieved despite having the worst score in economic performance. It surpassed Mexico and Colombia and is rubbing shoulders with large economies such as the United Arab Emirates, Spain or Canada. 🔔 Subscribe to our channel on YouTube: https://f24.my/YTes 🔴 LIVE - Follow FRANCE 24 here: https://f24.my/YTliveES 🌍 Our site: https://www.france24.com/es/ Join the community Facebook: https://f24.my/FBes Follow us on X (Twitter): https://f24.my/Xes Discover the news in pictures on Instagram: https://f24.my/IGes Receive the latest news on Telegram: https://f24.my/TGes