This year I conducted an experiment with potatoes under hay planted in two different ways, because people's opinions about potatoes in hay are opposite. I also recommend watching how to increase the potato yield and rid it of diseases - • How to grow potatoes from seeds, avoid ... Watch other videos on my official channel in Yandex Zen MY LIFE IN THE THREE-NINTH KINGDOM - https://zen.yandex.ru/life39 or on Youtube - / @39mylife Some say that potatoes under hay give a better harvest than the usual method, others that potatoes in grass, hay, straw grow like peas. So who is right? Thanks to this experiment with potatoes under mulch and especially when I observed the lazy way of planting potatoes, I noticed what I think all gardeners, summer residents and gardeners need to know. The conclusions can be seen in the video itself. I dug up several varieties of potatoes, for example, most likely red scarlet potatoes, American early rose, purple potatoes, northern rose. Some of these varieties are resistant to scab, late blight and other diseases, while others are susceptible. Some varieties gave a good potato harvest, others a small one. Channel Two HOW TO DO IT SIMPLY WITH YOUR OWN HANDS - / @kaksdel #potato #potatoeswithnothing #potatoesunderhay #mulch #potatoesinstraw #experiment #howtodoiteasy #harvest #harvest2021 #potatoharvest #potatoharvesting