It's been five years since he started coaching high school baseball in 2020. Unable to ignore the fact that Aichi Institute of Technology Meidai has not won at Koshien for the past two years, Ichiro finally went to his alma mater. While he feels nostalgic for the appearance of the players' dormitory, which has not changed since his time at the school, the practice facilities are filled with the latest technology that would put a professional to shame. In front of his juniors who make full use of data, "senior" Ichiro conveyed "things he wants you to value" in such an era. [TBS NEWS DIG] Ichiro: "Nothing is coming out! Data!" "Treasure that sensibility" The true meaning of the passionate message he conveyed to his alma mater https://newsdig.tbs.co.jp/articles/-/... #Ichiro #Highschoolbaseball #AichiInstituteMeidai