www.tvartesanatosemstress.com.br In this program recorded at WWW.linnafestas.com.br in Porto Alegre, artisan Fabi will teach you how to make a beautiful EVA EASTER EGG HOLDER BUNNY WITH ARTISAN FABIANA from www.raber.com. . According to the program director www.tvartesanatosemstress.com.br Edson Donizete, this was one of the largest EVA Workshops ever held in Porto Alegue. The event, which also included the participation of Casa Dois Editora www.casadois.com.br, lasted three days and had more than 300 registrants and was so successful that there is already a waiting list for the next event. in July 2011. Another surprise was the presenter of the program Daisy Scurato, who was received with great affection by the public in Porto Alegre, and oddly enough, there were viewers who signed up every day just to be close to the raber artisans. .com.br and also the presenter. According to Edson Blainster, sales director at www.raber.com.br, this event not only solidified www.raber.com.br in the market but also served to implement its new EVAs models aimed at crafts.