In this difficult situation with prices, not everyone has the opportunity to continue pouring original oil into their Ford without thinking. Let's figure it out, what can replace the original oil? We have prepared more than ten options for replacing the original oil. Several of them are produced abroad, but all the rest are in Russia. All the presented oils are cheaper than the original, but are in no way inferior to it, and some even win in some indicators. No complicated numbers, we have already looked at everything for you. Only results and explanations. Be sure to share this video with your friends on your social networks and telegram channels. Stop feeding the profiteers!!! Feed us better, at least we are useful! =) Enjoy watching. You can feed us like this: SBER 4276 4000 3133 2522 Pavel P. Link to our group in VKontakte: https://vk.com/club177504983 Link to Telegram: https://t.me/territoriya_garaga Links to serious forums on oils. Link to Oil Club: https://www.oil-club.ru/forum/ Link to Oilchoice: http://www.oilchoice.ru/ #caroils #ford #motoroil