Synopsis of the Bandar Abbas comedy film: It is the story of a man named Behrooz, who has renewed his marriage because he cannot have children from his first wife, and at the same time, he has to take care of his wife to... ----------- ---------------------------- Bandar Abbas movie - full Subscribe for More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/ShahreFarangs ... ----------------------------------------- Actors of the Iranian film Bandar Abbas: Yusuf Timuri , Anahita Hemti, Rabia Esquii, Sara Ahmadian, Prichher Mashrafe, Hossein Ebadollahi and Reza Shafiejam. Bandar Abbas family movie director: Shahin Babapour. Bandar Abbas movie writer: Arash Davoudi. Bandar Abbas comedy producer: Mehdi Labaf. -------------------------------------- It is the story of a man named Behrouz, who has remarried because he cannot have children from his first wife, and he has to take care of himself to... --------------------------- ------------- Film Bandar Abbas - Full Movie Cast: Youssef Teimouri, Anahita Hemmati, Rabea Oskoui, Sara Ahmadian, Parichehr Moshrefi, Hossein Abadollahi, and Reza Shafieijam. Director: Shahin Babapoor Author: Arash Davudi Producer: Mehdi Labaf Release: 2015 Genre: Comedy, Family ------------------------------ ---------- To watch more movies, click on the following link: • Persian Movies Movie ---------------------------------------- #Bandar Abbas #Film_Bandar Abbas #bandar_abbas #Film #فيلم_سينمعي #فيلم_يراني #film #movie #film_irani #film_bandar_abbas #فيلم_فارسي #فيلم_كمدي We have fully licensed this video and have the right to publish it on YouTube.