The story of this movie is about three young men on the verge of divorce named "Masoud", "Yashar" and "Kamran" who make many attempts to get married and along the way interesting and funny things happen to them... - --------------------------------------- Sour Boys movie - full Subscribe for More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/ShahreFarangs... ------------------------------------ ---- Actors: Haditha Tehrani, Nima Shahrukh Shahi, Yusuf Timuri, Sanaz Samavati, Fatemeh Shokri, Asghar Heydari and Asadullah Yakta Director: Akbar Mansour Fallah Writer: Akbar Mansour Fallah Producer: Akbar Mansour Fallah Released Year: 1397 Genre: Comedy , family ---------------------------------------- The story of this film is about three old maids boys named "Massoud", "Yashar" and "Kamran" who make many efforts to get married and in this way, interesting and funny things happen to them... ------------- -------------------------- Film Pesarhaye Torshide - Full Movie Cast: Hadiseh Tehrani, Nima Shahrokh Shahi, Yousef Teymouri, Sanaz Samavati, Fateme Shokri , Asghar Heidari and Asadollah Yekta Director: Akbar Mansour Falah Author: Akbar Mansour Falah Producer: Akbar Mansour Falah Release: 2018 Genre: Comedy, Family -------------------- ------------------- To watch more movies, click on the following link: • Persian Movies Movie ------------------------------------------ #PESARHAYE_TORSHIDEH We have fully licensed this video and have the right to publish it on YouTube.