Synopsis of the comedy film Dance of the Jackals 4: Five best friends, looking for ways to get rich, end up finding a lot of gold in the forest. Just when they think they've finally succeeded, they run into trouble with a German godfather who has kidnapped one of them for the gold. The best friends eventually save their friend and return to their usual loser days. Comedy film genre: Comedy Iranian comedy film director Dance of the Jackals 4: Murat Seker Persian comedy film actors Dance of the Jackals 4: Sevket Çoruh Ilker Ayrik Murat Akkoyunlu Timur Acar Dance of the Jackals Cakallarla Dans 4 film jadid Persian film film farsi Dance of the Jackals 4 Persian Persian film #Movie #Comedy #New_Film #Persian_Dubbed_Film ????????News and schedule of movies and series on the following Telegram channel???????? ???? https://t.me/mxtv3 ????