Synopsis of Drama Beht: The movie Beht brings a new and innovative story to the silver screen. The film tells the story of a couple who after several years decide to have a child through surrogacy, but the wrong decision is the beginning of the collapse of the lives of the two couples. ----------------------------------------- Beht movie - full Subscribe for More Videos: https://www.youtube.com/ShahreFarangs... ------------------------------------ ---- Actors of the Iranian film Behat: Mehtab Karamati, Rana Azadivar, Alireza Aghakhani, Mohammad Reza Derari, director of the family film Behat: Abbas Rafei, writer of the social film Behat: Abbas Rafei, producer of the Persian film Behat: Mohammad Neshat, release year: 2016, genre: drama, Family, social ---------------------------------------- Consternation represents a new and novel story about "Renting a Womb". Film narrates 2 couples' life stories that intertwined with each other and eventually result in their lives' destruction. ---------------------------------------- Film Boht - Full Movie Cast: Mahtab Keramati, Rana Azadivar, Alireza Aghakhani, Mohammad Reza Rahbari Director: Abbas Rafei Author: Abbas Rafei Producer: Mohammad Neshat Release: 2017 Genre: Social, Family, Drama ------------------- --------------------- To watch more movies, click on the following link: • Persian Movies Movie ----------------------------------------- #Behat #Baht_Film #Drama_Film #Film #فيلم_سينمعي #فيلم_irani #film #movie #film_irani #boht #film_boht #فيلم_فارسي We have fully licensed this video and have the right to publish it on YouTube.