#Tırnakpide #Pidemaking #Piderecipe I am here with my delicious nail pide recipe that we eat at kebab houses, we are literally addicted to this pide that I often make at home I had previously shared a nail pide recipe with you, many people tried it and liked it, I hope you try it this way and like it too In fact, I think you can make it in large quantities, put it in the freezer, take it out whenever you want, heat it up and eat it with pleasure I explained all the necessary tricks, everything you should and shouldn't do in the video Enjoy watching SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL / @alevturkenalevlemutfakaskna INSTAGRAM https://www.instagram.com/alewturken3... The size of the water glass I used: 250 ml Cooking time: 10 min Recommended cooking: 250 C How many: 8 Ingredients For the dough: 2.5 cups lukewarm water 1 packet of instant yeast 2 teaspoons of salt 5 cups of flour (add in a controlled manner) To spread: 2 tablespoons of yoghurt 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons of water. . . AZƏRBAIJAN recipe Size of the cup I used: 250 ml Cooking time: 10 minutes Baking recommendation: 250 C Time: 8 Ingredients for the recipe: 2.5 cups of warm water 1 pack of instant yeast 2 teaspoons of salt 5 Stəkan flour (add to administration) For driving a car: Add 2 tablespoons of flour 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons of water. . . ENGLISH RECIPE Cup size I use: 250 ml Cooking time: 10 minutes Cooking recommendation: 250 C How many: 8 Materials For the dough: 2.5 cups of warm water 1 pack of instant yeast 2 teaspoons of salt 5 cups of flour (add controlled) To drive on: 2 tablespoons of yogurt 1 egg yolk 2 tablespoons of water. . . RICETTA ITALIANA Misura della tazza che uso: 250 ml Tempo di cottura: 10 minuti Consiglio di cottura: 250 C Quanti: 8 materiale Per l'impasto: 2,5 tazze di acqua calda 1 confezione di lievito istantaneo 2 cucchiaini di sale 5 tazze di farina (aggiungi controllato) Per guidare: 2 cucchiai di yogurt 1 tuorlo d'uovo 2 cucchiai di acqua . . . RECETA ESPAÑOLA Tamaño de copa que uso: 250 ml Tiempo de cocción: 10 minutos. Recomendación de cocción: 250 C Cuantos: 8 Materiales Para la masa: 2.5 tazas de agua tibia 1 paquete de levadura instantánea 2 cucharaditas de sal 5 tazas de harina (aggregate controlada) Para conducir: 2 cucharadas de yoghurt 1 yena de huevo 2 cucharadas de agua. . . RECETTE FRANÇAISE Taille de la tasse que j'utilise: 250 ml Temps de cuisson: 10 minutes Recommandation de cuisson: 250 C Combien: 8 Matériaux Pour la pâte: 2,5 tasses d'eau tiède 1 paquet de levure instantanée 2 cuillères à café de sel 5 tasses de farine (ajoutez contrôlé) Pour rouler: 2 cuillères à soupe de yaourt 1 jaune d'oeuf 2 cuillères à soupe d'eau . . . РУССКИЙ РЕЦЕПТ Размер чашки я использую: 250 мл Время temperature: 10 minutes temperature: 250 C Scoreboard: 8 Materials: 2.5 minutes 1 package дрожжей быстрого приготовления 2 чайные ложки соли 5 чашек муки (добавление контролируется) столовые ложки йогурта 1 яичный желток 2 столовые ложки воды . . . الوصفة العربية حجم الكوب الذي استخدمه: 250 and 10 توصية الطبخ: 250 درجة مئوية العدد: 8 المواد للعجين: 2.5 كوب من الماء 1 page خميرة فورية 2 ملاعق صغيرة ملح 5 أكواب طحين (مضاف مضاف) للقيادة على: 2 ملاعق طعام من اللبن 1 صفار بيض ملعقتان كبيرتان من الماء