Familyonboard Podcast, Relationship with autistic and ADHD, our experience. #autisminadults #autismingirls #autism —————————————————— FACEBOOK: /thefamilyonb. . INSTAGRAM: @familyonboard ( /familyonboard ) TIKTOK: @familyonboard SUPPORT GROUP ON TELEGRAM: https://t.me/joinchat/C4SJ9ciHm6U4NzA5 Support our work to raise autism awareness around the world - www.familyonboard.com.br ——————————————————— Hello! Welcome to our channel! We are adventurers who love to travel long distances as a family! And all for autism awareness. We would like to take you around the world exploring incredible places! Summer is our 2-year-old daughter who will be your main host for our channel! Come join us on our adventure. #autism #autisminadults