We had the privilege of welcoming Professor Franklin Ferreira for an enriching conversation about Treasures of Augustine, his book that invites readers to delve into the thought of one of the most influential theologians in Christian history after the Apostle Paul. Franklin presents a detailed introduction and comments on more than 130 entries organized from A to Z, addressing the main issues of Augustinian theology. This work goes beyond a simple presentation, providing a true immersion in the faith and wisdom of Augustine, being a valuable resource especially for preachers, teachers and all those who wish to deepen their knowledge of Christian spirituality. During our conversation, we explored central themes of Augustine's life and work, such as the beauty of God, the question of evil and free will, the concept of irresistible grace, predestination and salvation. Franklin also discussed how Augustine influenced not only the Protestant Reformation, but philosophers and thinkers throughout the centuries, shaping areas ranging from medieval philosophy to modern ethics. Augustine's view of the relationship between faith and reason, his understanding of evil as the absence of good, and his belief that the search for truth leads to God continue to inspire generations of Christians and scholars to this day. 📕 Discover Professor Franklin's book: https://www.plenitudedistribuidora.co... Use the COUPON '' AGOSTINHO '' and get a discount for 1 month! SUBSCRIBE TO THE PLENITUDE CHANNEL: ✌️https://bit.ly/youtubeplenitude _______________________________________________________________________ 💜 We are Plenitude Distribuidora. Do you know us? A missionary company dedicated to the expansion of the Kingdom of God through the distribution of Christian literature, taking the Word to all nations of the earth. #plenitudedistribuidora #franklinferreira #reformaprotestant #historiadareforma #agostinho #origemdoevil