Sight is one of our most important senses. As an optician, you deal with the visual perception of customers and use your specialist knowledge to enable the best possible visual performance in everyday life. The starting point for this job is an exact determination of the customer's visual requirements. Using sophisticated tests, complex measuring instruments and new technologies, you check visual performance and measure all of the eye parameters that are required for the production and dispensing of optical visual aids (glasses, contact lenses or magnifying visual aids). These include, for example, visual acuity (e.g. nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism and presbyopia), the topography of the cornea and observation of the anterior part of the eye. If anything unusual is found, customers are referred to an ophthalmologist. In addition, as an optician, you select the customer's optimal correction device (glasses, contact lenses) taking ophthalmological findings into account, make suitable optical visual aids such as glasses and are responsible for fitting contact lenses. When choosing glasses, selecting and selling the right frame based on optical, anatomical and aesthetic aspects is just as important as lens advice and the centering specifications of the lenses for workshop opticians. Would that be something for you? Then find out about the Bachelor's degree in Ophthalmology ???? Register now at: https://www.fhg-tirol.ac.at/page.cfm?... #fhgesundheit #fhg #studium #augenoptik #augen #brille #sehen #kornhaut © fh gesundheit, 2023 fh gesundheit on social media: Instagram: instagram.com/fhgesundheit Facebook: facebook.com/fhgesundheit LinkedIn: linkedin.com/school/fhgesundheit https://www.fhg-tirol.ac.at