We will talk about the religions that emerged in the Iranian geography during the period when the Proto-Indo-Iranians were called Aryans: Zoroastrianism, which is considered to be the first dualist religion with its influences on the Abrahamic religions. Zurvanism. Mithraism, a mysterious religion centered on the Persian god Mithras. Manichaeism, a 3rd century gnosticism influenced by Mandaeism and known as the religion of the god of light. Mazdek religion, a proto-socialist gnosticism of the late 5th or early 6th century that tried to eliminate private property. In our “Expert Guests” series, we listen to people who are experts in their fields with education and experience, benefit from their knowledge, and learn their reading recommendations. We receive guidance and mentoring support from experts, and understand the importance of education and experience. Click to see the other videos and guests in our “Expert Guests” series: • Expert Guests