Sports fans, put your seat back and watch the new episodes of ALMANIA: https://1.ard.de/Almania-2?AF #alman #plane #flight #phillaude Thanks to Zejhun and Jana for flying with us: / zejhun / janariva --------------------------------------------------------- Laude is on #funk YouTube: / funkofficial Instagram: / funk TikTok: / funk Website: https://go.funk.net https://go.funk.net/impressum SUBSCRIBE TO ME ► / phillaude STALK THE LAUDE ► Instagram / phillaude TikTok / phillaude Facebook / phillaude4real ----------------------------------------------------------- Book: Phil Laude Brix Koethe ----------------------------------------------------------- My Squad: Pesh Ramin: / peshramin Ralph Schiller Sandro Liman: / sandromandro Marcus Nesseler Miriam Dane Alina Lück / alinalue_ Lola Koch