In this video we managed to solve the problem with the support and continue our journey. We faced the challenges of BR-030 and arrived in Itacarambi, MG. Scrambler 400x Scrambler 400 x Bastião do Asfalto's Instagram: / osbastiaodoasfalto Ibividros' Instagram (screw store): / ibi_vidros #scrambler400x #viagemdemoto #triumph400x #triumphscrambler400x #motoviagem #osbastiaodoasfalto #liberdade #freedom #motodream #livetoride #ridetolive #mototurismo Soundtrack: Music: Booster Musician: AlexGuz Music: Born To Run Musician: AlexGuz Music: Rock Party Musician: AlexGuz Music: Never Give Up Musician: AlexGuz