How to visit and get to know cities? "I experienced things in Lisbon that I will remember for the rest of my life. Much more important than some 17th-century church or specific monuments," says columnist, educator and popularizer of architecture Adam Gebrian, author of Two Months in Lisbon. How to get everywhere and go everywhere and at the same time know something that no one can repeat? What influenced the book Two Months in Lisbon? What is the Numbeo server or Nolli's map of Rome for? Listen to the complete recording of the Casablanca show ???? ???? https://wave.rozhlas.cz/lisabon-je-na... Listen to all the episodes of Casablanca here ???? https://wave.rozhlas.cz/casablanca Listen to Casablanca as a podcast on mobile mujRozhlas application https://rozhl.as/mujRozhlasAplikace --- Visit us at: http://www.wave.cz/ / croradiowave / croradiowave / croradiowave #Casablanca #AdamGebrian #radiowave