Minimalism and personal finances are two topics that are directly related. When we lead a minimalist lifestyle, we are more aware of our consumption habits and this is inevitably reflected in our personal finances. Also, minimalism invites us to get rid of excess, in order to make room for those things that we consider important. And our financial situation is no exception. If we spend less money, if we have more time and if we gain greater clarity about what we want, we can simplify our lives and at the same time, create abundance. If you are interested in minimalism and if you would like to improve your personal finances, then you cannot miss this video. 😀 Download The 30-Day Minimalism Guide To Simplifying Your Space For FREE: https://jorgenavarro.podia.com/guia-d... If you would like to see more videos about minimalism, you can do so by clicking on this link: • MINIMALISM More videos on personal finances: • PERSONAL FINANCES Download any audiobook for free: If you would like to listen to audiobooks about minimalism or any other audiobook for free, you can do so by clicking on this link: http://www.audibletrial.com/SoyTuMentor