➡️ Access to the State and Decentralization course: https://morgancatherine.podia.com/eta... ➡️ Our courses: https://morgancatherine.podia.com/ ⬇️ More information in the description below ⬇️ Former draft law 4D, the law of February 21, 2022 relating to differentiation, decentralization, deconcentration and carrying out various measures to simplify local public action (3DS) is now published in the official journal. After many negotiations that were unsuccessful (employment for the Regions, school medicine for the Departments, the presidency of the ARS for the Regions, etc.), others, on the other hand, are part of the final text (more flexibility in the organization of intercommunalities, the perpetuation of the SRU law, the possible recentralization of RSA financing, etc.). In this video, I summarize the spirit of the 3DS law and the main points to know for your territorial civil service competition. To go further, you will find below several links to reports and other summaries of this law: The presentation file of the 3DS law by the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion and Relations with Local Authorities: https://www.cohesion-territoires.gouv... A summary on Vie publique: https://www.vie-publique.fr/loi/27981... An article from the Gazette des communes: https://www.lagazettedescommunes.com/... The Senate file: https://www.senat.fr/dossier-legislat... -------------------- ????My training courses: https://fonctionnaireterritorial.podi... ????Our courses (with Catherine): https://morgancatherine.podia.com -------------------- ▶︎ My Facebook page: / morganfonctionnaireterritorial -------------------- WHO AM I? After many failures in the territorial civil service competitions and having tested many training courses, manuals, etc., I obtained 2 competitions in 3 years by creating my own revision method. With this channel, I share my tips, my mindmap-style courses, etc. to help you ????