Order a repair / project: ☎️ 8 (981) 888-70-59 (Anastasia) ???? Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan ???? I continue budget DIY repairs in an old panel house in a Khrushchev-era building. ???????????? We have already completed the following: dismantling the old repairs, replacing the old window with a new one, installing new tongue-and-groove walls, laying sound insulation / insulation on the floor. ???? In this video, we will do the electrical work ourselves. ⚡️ I will show you which cable to choose, how to lay the routes, which corrugated pipe to choose for the cable, how to pull the cable into the corrugated pipe, and I will also share my experience of how to do the electrical work in the apartment yourself. Enjoy watching everyone! ❤️ 00:00 - Introduction 4:28 - Marking 9:19 - Clip installation 17:03 - Pulling cable into corrugated pipe 20:23 - Cable installation 43:13 - Conclusion 48:37 - Estimate of the series #Electricity #DIYelectricity #Electrical installation #Cable #Cableinstallation #Electricityinkhrushchev #Electricityinpanelhouse #Electricity #Inpanelhouse #Inexperiencedelectrician #Tool #Pullingcable #Pullingcableincorrugated pipe #Pullingcableincorrugated pipe #Repair #Repairinpanelhouse #Repairinkhrushchev #Repairinpanelhouse #DIYrepair #Repairinapartment #Design #Interiordesign #Electricityinapartment