241207 Multicultural Special Cho Jun-hyung's We Are Like a Rainbow - Professor Cho Hyun-yong's Learning in Our Language, Lesson 9 Professor Cho Hyun-yong's Learning in Our Language~! Our language is our culture! Is Korean difficult?? This is a time prepared for the multicultural special, We Are Like a Rainbow, to properly learn the roots of our language once a month! Korean Language, Korean~ Language and Culture Information~ Professor Cho Hyun-yong of Kyunghee University's Korean Language Education Department Learning in Our Language~! Learning in Our Language is a vivid Korean culture understanding project for married immigrant women, migrant workers, and international students living in Korea. Korean Language, Korean~ Language and Culture Information Professor Cho Hyun-yong Today, in Lesson 9, we will look at fun spelling. It's not "a few days" and "three days" but "good." It's not "there" but "good." Please give me juice at a coffee shop in New York. The principle of Daewa De Chae and Che Ha Hae #cpbcfm #cpbcradio #1053 #PD Jo Jun Hyung #MulticulturalSpecial #MulticulturalSpecial Jo Jun Hyung's We Are Like a Rainbow #Professor Jo Hyun Yong of Kyung Hee University #Lee So Min of Kyunggi University #Learn in Korean9