Everything I tell you in this video is not the ultimate truth. This is my very first experience with this yarn. Unfortunately, it was not very positive. But I wanted to experiment with it further. However, in the comments they sent me a link to a video about how the material for making this yarn is obtained: Shocking: This is how Angora rabbits are tortured Erschütternd: So werden Angora-Kaninchen gequält: • Video Now I was completely shocked. But I bought yarn for more than one product, in different colors. And then a comment comes: Well, how do you now knit and wear products knitted from this yarn. It was after I watched the video at the link offered to me that I knew for sure that I MUST knit all my supplies of this yarn. And how do I wear it? Well, how? With reverence! With respect! With the memory that more than one rabbit died or was tortured so that I could be warm. The only downside of this yarn FOR ME is that it sheds terribly. But this is also just my opinion. After all, each person has their own sensitivity threshold. So try, knit, wear and share your impressions and advice with us. Yours, Tatyana. Follow the link below. There you will find a lot of useful information and everything about me: https://taplink.cc/ritter.tatjana Special thanks to those who did not forget to share this video with friends in their social networks and interest groups! Please support the development of the channel: if possible, do not block ads and do not forget to share this video with friends in your social networks and interest groups! #WarmYourHands, #RitterTatjana